INGREDIENTS: Dry coconut flakes, Almond powder, Sweetened Condensed Milk, Ghee (Clarified butter), Chia Seeds

1. Melt ½ cup of ghee.
2. Take a large flat platter to work on to make the laddoo mix.
3. Add 14oz (1.75 cups) of dry unsweetned coconut flakes and 1 cup of ground almond powder. Mix well.
4. Take two handfuls of the mixture and transfer to a smaller platter.
5. Keep a small cup of water handy.
6. On a flat plate, add some chia seeds and keep aside.
7. Ready the assembly line: coconut/almond powder mixture, water and chia seeds.
8. Drizzle about 4 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk on it and mix well with your hands (yes, they will get sticky! )
9. Now drizzle 3-4 tablespoons of warm molten ghee on top.
10. Dip your hands in the water cup and start forming the laddoos, working quickly. (Your damp hands will make the laddoos come together)
11. Immediately, roll the laddoos in the chia seeds .
12. Repeat the process with the rest of the mixture.
13. Refrigerate for an hour to allow them to firm up.

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